Garden design is vital to the value of your property. When you hire a landscape designer for a New York City garden, you are guaranteeing your property will not only always be beautiful, but will continue to grow in value. As any realtor will tell you, the exterior captures the market’s attention.

A garden is a personal and intimate undertaking. Its landscape design is as important as the design of the kitchen, the floors or what color you choose to paint the bedroom. It’s about balance and color, circulation and form, and practices of contrast and repetition. A garden can be as simple as planting a few perennials or beginning with a full blown architectural design. It all boils down to the same intent: creating a visually appealing backdrop for your property, an extension of your indoor space.

When you hire a landscape designer for a New York City garden, you are pretty much guaranteeing the purpose of your garden will be fulfilled at every level. Even a small garden can be a challenge. Plant selection and taking advantage of limited space requires a range of techniques that a professional has been trained to utilize. That includes proven tactics like “creating illusions,” making small environments seem larger through proper placement. 

Choosing plants must be approached carefully. It is a critical component in designing a garden. Yet the average person tends to select plants based on tastes and colors. But if you hire a landscape designer for a New York City garden, their advisement will include horticultural knowledge, planting ideas and color theory. They will know all the variables for selecting winning combinations and circumvent the trial and error that can go into creating a great garden.

When you go the smart route and hire a landscape designer for a New York City garden, whether it be a vertical landscape or a backyard design, you are accessing a wealth of information that you will never get out of a book, the Internet or a TV show. You will be partnered with a professional. Landscape design is an independent profession with a design and art tradition, combining nature and culture with knowledge of design, planning, architecture, sustainability and horticulture. They will be able to explain the viability of your designs and the most cost effective ways to implement them. Plus, they will have a directory of satisfied customers and a portfolio of images that demonstrate why you want a professional to work with you.

To hire a landscape designer for a New York City garden is to better define the purpose of your garden and ensure a successful execution of ideas.



It begins with.. “I need help with landscape design.”

The questions include How do I turn my front garden into an inviting entrance?  What do I plant in a shade garden?  Can I plant grass?  I need help designing a dog friendly yard.  Can a stone garden wall look contemporary?  Do I need to build a retaining wall for a my sloping backyard?  What’s the best way to decorate a garden room? My side garden has no sun, can I still make it a perennial garden bed?  What color do I paint my garden walls and shed?  How do I build a zen garden?  What pavers would you use for a rooftop terrace garden, vertical garden or roof garden?  Can we use modern landscaping ideas for a small garden?  How can I achieve privacy from my neighbors?

The answer to all these questions is to begin with a plan. A garden design plan or a landscape design master plan for your property.

Why a design plan?

Think holistically. Recognize the interconnectedness of indoor space with outdoor space and its possibilities

First you must take inventory of your needs, aspirations and challenges of the site.  Consider your lifestyle, short term plans and long term plans for your family and property. Who are the users of the space and will that change. What about programming? (Will you be entertaining, using it as playspace for kids, installing a pool, kitchen garden, cutting garden and so on…)

Very seldom does a home builder or architect give the same thought and consideration to the outdoor home surroundings than they do to the interior of the home.  We enter a home the moment we set foot on the property, and not when we cross the threshold into the residence.

Residential landscape design is not foundation planting, it is not merely beautification with pretty plants, it is the integration of house and site, custom designed for you. 



A garden designer is a professional who designs the plan and features of gardens.

The compositional elements of garden design and landscape design are: terrain, water, plantings, constructed elements, buildings, paving, site characteristics and genius loci, (a sense of place) and the local climactic qualities.

Garden designers create brownstone garden design, townhouse garden design, roof garden design, residential garden design and public garden design. A garden design in Brooklyn, New York (an urban garden design) is just as challenging as a country estate.  Creating a successful Brooklyn garden design is just as rewarding to the designer as is the creation of a 5-acre site.

Garden designers are skilled specialists dealing with master planning of landscapes and design of gardens, consulting with advice for clients, providing direction and supervision during construction, and the management of establishment and maintenance once the garden has been created. Many garden designers have formal education and practical education. As with any professional, a combination of the formal education and practical education and experience bodes well for the client. 

They are able to survey the site, and prepare drawings for the development of a garden from concepts to construction, and resource the plant and building materials. The complexities in contemporary environmental design issues and technology increase the scope professional garden designers fill.



A landscape designer in New York City is grateful to have a new client.  

The job of designing a brownstone garden, designing a townhouse garden, designing a residential garden is a process.

It takes a given amount of time to design a landscape.. from creating a relationship and understanding your clients needs, aspirations and challenges, surveying the site, creating a preliminary plan, revising to a final plan, identifying, estimating and procuring contractors, supplies, plants, to finally building a landscape. It all takes a given amount of time to design and build this landscape.  For many potential clients they begin to think of their landscape as spring approaches.  

Most landscape designers in NYC recommend Fall as the best time to hire a landscape designer. 

Both the client and designer have the opportunity to truly study the existing situation so they may move forward toward Spring with a detailed and comprehensive landscape design plan. This also allows ample time to plan and line up contractors when they are not busy, rather then wait to the Spring rush.